Catch The Pigeon Game
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Nancy Drew 18: The Phantom of Venice
Obsolete childhood is a series of videos of games that i (or we) played in the early 2000's, but unplayable today due to lack of support (Xtras plug-ins, Ado. Due to Rooster not being able to catch the pigeon he wants to try again. Hold up another bird and wait until he stops and stands still. Give the release command and throw the bird. The dog is positively reinforced for stopping and pointing.
by Her Interactive
Walkthrough by MaGtRo July 2008
Gameplay: This point and click game comes in2 CDs.
Nancy will show you the desk in her bedroom. This iswhere you can access the 'How to be a Detective Book' that shows the gamemanipulations. The Scrapbook has past Nancy Drew Games information. The CaseFiles is where the information about the present mystery case is explained. Pick up the Italian Dictionary! Once you are ready to play the game, clickon the plane ticket to go to the new case location.
You will then select to play either Junior or Seniordetective.
The main screen has pictures at the bottom of thepage. The bag at left is the inventory link. The journal shows Nancy's notesabout the present case. The checklist shows what needs to be done or was done inthe case to progress in the game. The gear icon shows the options. Here thevoice, effects and music volume can be adjusted. Also, the bottom background canbe changed. Closed captioning and screen size selection are also in this page.The Load folder has the list of the saved games that can be replayed. Thediskette is used to save the game. The rightmost icon closes the game.
Senior and junior modes of gameplay are the sameexcept for the Task list that is open for the junior mode only.
Nancy walks through a dark well tunnel. The door slamsshuts and water begins pouring out of pipes. Nancy recalls the start of her tripto Venice.
Meet the other people at Ca' Nascosta
Nancy's room: Nancy wakes up inside an ornately decorated red room.Look around the room.
Helena: Go forward afterrising from the bed. Look at the picture on the dresser. This is Helena, theroommate.
Check the postcards and the notes on the back that areon the table. Her parents and a friend are in Germany. She has friends namedKillian in Chicago IL.
The phone is by Helena's bed. Go outside the balconyand see the waterways of Venice.
Look at the left side of the balcony door and seeNancy's bed. Check the bathroom by the Nancy's wardrobe. Going to the bathroomoften might earn you a Lavatorio Star at end of the game.
Dress for the day: Open thewardrobe. Open each drawer and select the outfit you want Nancy to wear: fromtop of her head to the shoes of choice. Changing your outfit frequently mightearn you a Fashionista Star at end of the game.
Check the makeup bag on top of the drawer. See theoutfit your wearing at top left of the screen. See also that the purse has 200Euros.
Check the book: An Interactive Guide to Venice on topof the desk left of the door. Learn the history of Venice, major sights to see,the famous gelato, Commedia dell'Arte, Carnevale and learn some Common Italianwords and phrases. Press the red button to hear the words pronounced.
Exit the room.
Great room: Turn left and talk to man working on restoring the walls.
Colin Baxter: Learn all abouttesserae. He's English and studied at Oxford University. He shows his tiles.After a while pull back to stop the tile show.
See an Etruscan bronze statuette on his workbench. Hementions a package for Nancy outside.
Balcony: Turn around fromColin and go up to the balcony
Margherita Faubourg: Talk tothe owner of Ca' Nascosta sunbathing.
Look around and see some flowers that are covered bybees.
Gate: Exit the balcony andthen through the door at right to be outside.
Helena Berg: Go down thestairs and meet Helena abruptly.
Pick up the letters; one of which is from her friendfrom the US, Hildegard Killian.
Learn the assignment:
Parcel: Pick up the parcelfrom the table. Take the ATM card from Banco dell' Oro.
There is an ATM machine at Piazza San Marco thatshould be sued to activate the card.
Read the newspaper. Learn about the latest item stolenby The Phantom - the Chalice from Convent of St Gervase.
Helena: Go back up and talkto Helena at the table at left side of room. She's a journalist and writes forEurowelt Magazine. Learn that Colin is a false name. His real name is Justin.
Map: Exit through the gateand see the map.
See that there are 3 ways to go: Black lines are byfoot. The water boats (V) are on the red lines and the gondoliers are the bluelines. The gondoliers charge money; try it to have the experience but rememberthat you are on a budget. Hear the lovely song sang by the gondoliers andsightsee at the waterways of Venice. If you do ride with the gondoliers often tolisten them sing; you might earn the Musical Muse Star at end of the game.
Click on a place to travel one leg at a time. Clickagain on the place with an eye icon to check some places of interest.
Piazza San Marco: Go toPiazza San Marco at bottom right of the map.
Pigeon food: Click to enter the bank at left.See a bird food dispenser on the left. Get some for 5 Euros.
Banco dell' Oro: Enter thebank at left.
Use the ATM card on the slot. Read the instructionsabout the assignment. Antonio Fango is to be watched using the binoculars and analert will be given by the PDA whenever he is at his office in the Argonbuilding. The office can be seen at the balcony of Ca' Nascosta.
Press home button and then the Case Dossier. Take thePDA and binoculars.
Kiosk: Exit the bank. Lookclose at the kiosk. See some things to buy.
Buy the Sassy Detective magazine at second fromtop shelf and the EuroWelt magazine from the third from top shelf for 5Euros each.
Open the EuroWelt magazine and see that it is inGerman. Buy the German-English Dictionary from bottom shelf. There areonly 165 Euros left. Click the German-English dictionary on the open magazineand read the story about Leo Machiano and his trial.
Exit the piazza. Go back to the Ca' Nascosta.
Ca' Nascosta: The pager beeps.Time to go to work.
Balcony: Go up to thebalcony at top of the house. Stand behind Margherita and use the binoculars on the window of theArgon building.
See Fango take something from a pigeon that landed onthe window. Fango leaves the room.
Bedroom: Nancy automatically reports to Sophia Leporace. Sophiawants the pigeon be fed a tracking device. The device is to be picked up at acostume shop in Campo Santa Maria Formosa.
Nancy has to find out where the pigeon goes and todiscover what the message contains.
Call Prudence Rutherford on the phone and see if youcan connect with her.
Sausages: (May or maynot happen) See a basket on the table left of the door.
The note with it says that the sausages camefrom Colin. Eat some.
Exit the room and Nancy collapses. Nancy got foodpoisoning.
After waking up at bedroom, check the handwriting onHelena's postcards and see if they match. No, they don't.
Talk to Colin about the sausages. He says he did notsend them. Uh Oh! (Thanks, Ana)
Turn around and see a box of chocolates on the coffeetable by the sofa. Have some.
Talk to Helena.
Feed and follow the pigeon: Exit the house.
Get the tracking device: Goto Campo Santa Maria Formosa.
Open the PDA and review what the tracking device lookslike.
Enter the Costumi di Vera.
Save here! Immediately click using the tip ofthe cursor on the white pill right of the box on the left side of the shelf atback wall. You get a second chance if the pill self destruct.
Leave the store and the Campo.
Note: If you haven't boughtbird seeds yet, buy some from the Piazza San Marco or from the Rialto market.
Enter Fango's office: Go toCampo del Frari. Enter the building.
See that Fango's office is locked. Looks like Ihave to pick this lock somehow..
Read the Sassy Detective magazine and learn how topick a lock.
Ca' Nascosta: Go back to Ca'Nascosta and then to the bedroom. The phone rings. Talk to Prudence Rutherford,the former owner of Ca' Nascosta. Try calling Mrs. Rutherford later and get afunny caller ID dialogue.
Take hairpins from Nancy's makeup kit insidethe wardrobe.
Go back to Fango's office.
Pick the lock of office door: Use the hairpin on the lock.
See 6 pins. The objective is to get the pins alignedto have all white on top of the line and the brown below.
This is a random puzzle and will be done several timesin the game. So practice.
Click on each pin to find out which pin moves mostother pins. Align that one first. Then do the next pin that moves more than theothers. Leave the pin that moves only itself last. Have fun!
Search the room: Look around theroom. Turn right from the door and check the shelf at right. See a musicalhorse. Click on the knob to hear the whole music.
Check the cabinet at the middle. See a Commediadell'Arte poster of mask. Some are crossed out, except for Scaramuccia, IlCapitano, Brighella, Arlecchino and Il Dottore at the center.
There's a fax machine right of the desk by the window.Look at the trash can that has a Kris Kringle wrapper left of the desk.
Check the diplomas at back wall. See that Fangograduated at London School of Applied Technologies and the University ofBologna.
Check the travel brochure on the table left of thecoffee machine. Use the Italian dictionary to translate.
Check the file cabinets on the left wall. Open thethird from top drawer of the middle cabinet. See some Scopa cards but some cardsare missing. Have fun opening the other drawers to see stuffed cat, fakespringing eyes and robot.
Feed the pigeon: Look closeat the pigeon on the window shelf. It has yellow legs.
Place the bird seed in front of the pigeon. Place thetracking device on the seeds. Watch the bird eats it.
If unsuccessful this time, check the PDA and track thepigeon.
Hide: Uh Oh! Fango is comingback. Immediately, go to the left of the room and enter the cabinet with theposter.
Watch as Fango moves around the office. Exit thecabinet. Put the loose poster back in place.
Look around to know what he did back here. Look at thefront of the desk and see a box of chocolate and the identifier of thechocolates
Computer: Go around the deskand face the laptop.
It asks for a password. See that the icon is the maskof Il Capitano as seen in the poster.
Type in Il Capitano. Click on the chess icon and seethat Gina's Chessboard server is down.
Check the trash. See that he cancelled planereservations to Tahiti and later to Aruba.
Check all the chess logs. See that Fango plays chesswith Scaramuccia. There are locations noted at each end of the game.
Follow the pigeon: Exit theoffice.
At the map, open the PDA. Click on 'track'. See arrowsthat would show where the bird has flown.
The arrows point to south and west. Go to Campo SantaMargherita, SW of the office.
See a lot of birds in front of the Casa dei Giochiwhich translate as House of Games.
Look for a pigeon with yellow legs and then click tosee if it is the one we fed.
Take the message from the leg of the pigeon. See thatthe message is hello!
Click on the message in close up and the birds fly away.Automatically, Sophia calls on the PDA. She wants the message checked for amicrodot.
Garbage interest: Go to thealley left of the piazza.
See a propane tank container that has a 4 digit lockon it.
To the right is a garbage bin. Check what is insidecompletely.
After some interesting discarded items from previousNancy games, read and take a Scotland Report about Colin Baxter akaJustin Mathias Beaumont.
After more previous game garbage, see a letter to Enrico Tazza from the Doppeler Institute about Samantha Quick. Usethe Italian dictionary to translate the letter. She will be coming after theCarnival. She can be identified by what she will be wearing: red dress, whitegloves, black sunglasses and has blond hair.
Check the message for a microdot:
Go back to the Ca' Nascosta.
Chocolates: See a box ofchocolate on the table. It is for Il Dottore.
Open and see what's inside. What else - Chocolates. Ifwe remember (since we can't take it) the chocolate identifier we saw from Fango's office, the chocolatesare arranged:
Caramella, Oro, Pralina
Pralina, Anice, Sambusco
Anice, Frutto, Elegante
COPPASAFE? What does that mean? Cup safe? The chaliceof St. Gervase is now in the safe place?
This must be a way of communicating with Il Dottore.
Go up the steps and hear the 3 talking about Nancy. Enter the Great room.
Talk to Helena and learn about her immersion to andher knowledge about the Machiano case.
Talk to Colin about the microscope. Talk to him againabout the art theft. He admits his past to Nancy and learn about what Margheritaasked him to do.
Microscope: Click the messageon the microscope.
Read: Il Dottore requests you to change the saferoom lock combination to 43556.
Margherita: Go up to thebalcony and talk to Margherita. She gives the impression that she doesn't likeNancy.
Learn about her thoughts concerning Helena, how tomake money at Rialto market and about Colin.
There's a letter on the table. Try to read it.
Report: Go to bedroom or thebedroom balconyor to the front gate and call Sophia using the PDA.
She wants the 3 members of the household to be bugged.The tracking device can be taken from the ATM machine at Banco dell' Oro.
Place the tracking device on the other occupants ofCa'Nacostra.
Banco dell' Oro: Go to PiazzaSan Marco at bottom right of the map.
Enter the bank, insert the ATM card in the machine,select 'Pick Up' and take the 3 tracking devices.
Kiosk: While we're here, goto the kiosk and buy the black sunglasses left of the books and the Guide to Chess at third from top shelf. You have 150 Euros left.
Ca' Nascosta: Go back to thehouse. Talk to give the tessera to Colin.
Go to the bedroom and then the bathroom. Hear thatHelena is in the bathroom.
Go back to the table where Helena usually writes. Takethe pink pen and remove the top end part (pen is inverted) and insert the whitetracking device. Check what she has written in her log book. Use the Germandictionary. Very Interesting.
Go up to the balcony and talk to Margherita.Automatically gift her with the sunglasses case.
Buy the new outfit:
If you have not bought the sunglasses yet go to thekiosk at Piazza San Marco and get one. Get the Chess book too.
Go to Campo Santa Maria Formosa and enter the costumeshop. Buy the red dress for 60 Euros, the white gloves at rightfor 5 Euros and the blonde wig for 40 Euros. If you have enoughmoney (or earn some more) you can get the Clogio Star at end of the game bybuying several Italian shoes. There are 45 Euros left.
Rialto Market: Let's take aside trip. Go to the Rialto market as mentioned by Margherita at top of the map.
Gelato: Look around. See theGelato cooler at right. Get one for 2 Euros.
Open the cooler, take the scoop at right and selectyour flavor. Scoop as much as you want and place the gelato on the cone atright. If you can afford it and adventurous - try different flavors of gelato;you might earn the Gelatina Star at the end of the game. 4 scoops per cone isthe max.
Make a gelato of the colors of the Italian flag (redat bottom, white and green on top) and hear a *chicken cackle* to get an EasterEgg. (Thanks lily.bart!)
Carbo Infusion: Have somerefreshing drink from the Carbo Infusion.
Florist: Check the sign usingthe Italian dictionary and see that 'We buy flowers'. Hmm.. A way to earnmoney. Where did we see some flowers? Ah.. Bees!
Bug spray: There are seeds to buyand a bug spray for 20 Euros. You might want to buy it to earn money. Use theItalian dictionary to check the flowers. If you use the Italian dictionary oftenenough, you might get the Webstressa Star at end of the game.
Riciglaggio: Check the recycling stand.
Earn or get some money:
Check litter: At each place,check the litter around - click on them. Some trash might be hiding money likethe Euros hidden on the litter in front of the Casa dei Giochi at Campo Santa Margheritaor at Campo Santa Maria Formosa.You might even get the Euro Trash Star at the end of the game.
Sell flowers: (This is anoptional way to get money. If you can find enough coins through other means andnot want to earn it this way, no problem.) Go back to Ca' Nascosta and up to the balcony.
Turn around and look at the flower with the bees. Usethe bug sprayer on the flowers.
Automatically ask Margherita about the flowers. Theyare from Hilihili Research Facility in Hawaii. Sounds familiar?
If you played The Crystal Skull, you know what to do.Click the bug sprayer on the bees until they all fall on the floor. Be sure tohit the vicious red ones first.
Take the flowers and bring them to the floristat Rialto Market.
Place the flowers on the empty flower vase above thesign. Get 30 Euros for them.
Meet Enrico Tazza:
(This can happen at any time before now.) Go back to Ca' Nascosta. The alert sounded on the PDA. Go to the balconyand use the binoculars on Fango. See that he sent another message.
Go back to the bedroom. Report to Sophia. She said to ignore this one.
Change outfit by opening the dresser anduse the red dress, white gloves, dark sunglasses and blond wig. Be sure to wear blackshoes.
Go to Casa dei Giochi at Campo Santa Margherita. Knockon the door.
Talk to Enrico Tazza. He wants Samantha to beat him inScopa.
Scopa: There are 4 suits: coins, cups, swords and clubs.There are 10 cards in each suit with the 7 as the valuable card.
The face cards are the Valet, Knight and King. Thevalue of each card is seen on the card.
The most valuable are the 7s, then 6s, aces, 5 4 3 2and then the face cards.
3 cards are dealt to the players and 4 are face cardat the center.
Each player play only 1 card from his own.
A match of one of your card is the sum of any card onthe face cards at the center.
If you take the last card in the play area - you doScopa. 11 or more points win the game.
Play the game and win to talk to Tazza. Have fun.
Tazza wants Samantha Quick to steal the Sadal Meliksapphire from Palazzo Zattere. It is protected by a very sophisticated system.Gina can help with the security system.
Steal the Sadal Melick sapphire:
Ca' Nascosta: Go back to thebedroom and change out of this outfit. Helena and Colin do not notice thisgoing in-out with different outfits?
Report to Sophia via the PDA. Sophia likes the idea ofstealing the sapphire in order to get in good graces of Tazza. Oh No. No police help. Sophia will make sure that the realSamantha will be delayed.
Contact Gina (Gina who?): Go back to Fango's office at Campo del Frari. Bythis time, you are already an expert lock picker.
Go to the computer. Oh No, the alarm of the PDA goes off, Fango is here.Immediately hide at the cabinet with the poster.
After he leaves, go back out and look at the middle file cabinet. Check the Scopa cards, anotherone is missing - the Valet of clubs.
Go back to the laptop anduse Il Capitano as password.Check the chess game. See that Gina is the chessboard server. Scaramuccia wantsa game.
Exit back to the main menu and check the trash again. Read the chess log Dec29.
Play coded chess: Learn that Scaramuccia likes to use the algebraic style of chess notation.
The main question to be presented to Scaramuccia is Palazzo Zattere.
Review the Chess book bought at the kiosk. Study the graph of columns and rowsof letters-numbers that can be used as codes. Zattere is coded this way; Z =KB1, A = KA4, T = KD2, T = KD2, E = KE4, R = KB2, E = KE4.
Click on the chess piece icon and play with Scaramuccia.
Using the chess notation codes, type in using your keyboard as answers toScaramuccia postings: KB1, KA4, KD2, KD2, KE4, KB2, KE4. Press enter aftereach answer.
Scaramuccia posts to go to the recycling bin at the Rialto Market tomorrowmorning. Ciao!
Note: Since you have to wait for tomorrow to continue and if you haveenough money left, picked up or earned; go shopping or eat gelato or ride thegondola.
Ca' Nascosta: Go back to thebedroom and go to sleep.
Il Fantasma-The Phantom: Nancy is woken up by the Phantom. He took Ned's gift, the locket from her neck.Helena comes out of the bathroom and screams. The Phantom escapes through thebalcony. The newspaper reports the theft of the Etruscan bronze on Colin's worktable and the necklace.
Mrs. Rutherford calls and gave her one - no, half acent in.
Try to go to the Grand room and is stopped by anargument between Helena and Colin; each blaming each other for leaving the dooropen.
Margherita and Fango? The PDA alert sounded. Go to the balcony and use thebinoculars on Fango's office. See Margherita arguing with Fango and waving apiece of paper. She leaves in a huff. What is she doing there?
While she's gone, read the letter on the table. Usethe Italian dictionary.
Chinese puzzle box: Talk toColin about the puzzle box.
Collect items left by Scaramuccia:
Go to Rialto market. Use the Italian dictionary on thelabel of the blue stand.
Take the bottle inside the recycler. Open the base ofthe bottle.
Take the card with the word Hi and the keycard with electronic gadget. The bottle goes in the recycler.
Read the Hi card: Go back to theCa'.
Look close at the microscope. Click the Hi card on themicroscope. As soon as you look through the scope, the bulb burns out.
Colin got a bit hasty there. While he's looking foranother bulb, he asks that you do some mosaic work.
Mosaic tiles: Click to lookclose at a photograph.
Add tiles taken from top to the empty areas of themosaic. Use the picture as reference.
I usually do the least number of tile colors first. Becareful of the slight change in shadings.
If you do this without any mistake, a Star at the endof the game might be waiting.
Click the cover to see the finished mosaic. Colincomes back and has installed the new microscope bulb.
Look close at the microscope. Click the Hi card on themicroscope.
Read the microdot: Vlad is inGstaad fro the next month so he won't show up. The Sapphire is housed in thewarehouse below the Palazzo - the entrance is the barred doors in the alleyway.You'll need an anti-thermal suit for this job. If you've lost yours, Fausto atClub Micio in Campo San Polo is the only one who has any left. Be forewarned,he's gone straight and isn't dealing in this business any longer so you'll needto date one of the dancers since Fausto uses the old fabric for his dancers'costumes. But I doubt that'll be any problem for you. Use the attached lockoverride to break the combinations for the entry to the warehouse and thesapphire container. The lock override will show you the order in which to pushthem in the following sequence: (see picture). The warehouse is monitored byrobotic sentries. There are four power circuits you'll need to find and overloadto temporarily shut the power off that feeds the alarm system protecting thesapphire. The sapphire is in the center warehouse.
One Easter egg: Pick the lock of the locked room leftof Colin. *Chicken cackle*. Get an Easter egg.
Get an anti-thermal costume: Go to Club Micio in Campo San Polo. Enter the Club.
Dance Audition: Hear thatthere is a dance audition today. If you finish this puzzle, you can earn moneylater by dancing for tips if you want.
Read the dance instructions. Take note that each dancehas a sound and a color cue.
For the sound, press the sound icon to hear a sampleof the cue.
Click on the cat suit hanging on the wall and be onstage to audition.
There are circles on top of the screen that arecolored coded and have the sound icon like (l-r):
Yellow = bell, teal - claps, orange = ocarina, blue =whistle, green = buzzer and red = siren.
At the top of the circle is a bar. This shows theprogress of the audition. The audition is successfully done when the bar reachesthe right.
The color cues are seen in various areas of the stage:the light bulbs and fluorescent bars on the sides of the stage and the lights onthe base of the stage. Good luck and happy dancing!
Congratulations, Punchy LaRue!
If you want to dance for tips, click on the goldcurtain at right. If you do dance for tips several times, you might win aDancing Super Star at the end of the game.
Someone is out to get Nancy: Go back to the Ca'. Outside the Ca' see some leaves falling from above. Look upand see a vase about to hit you - back up immediately.
Pigeon Toady Catch The Game Last Night
Go to the balcony and check to see who is up there.Take the Scopa card - Valet of clubs from the edge of the balcony. Uh Oh! Thisis the one missing from Fango's cabinet.
Change into the anti-thermal suit. Open the wardrobeand change into: black gloves, black mask, cat's ears, black top, black pantsand black boots.
(This can happen earlier in this day). Try to leave the room. The phone rings. Answer thephone and talk to Samantha Quick. She knows all about Nancy. Who is she?
Try to leave the room again. Get another phone call.It is Margherita. She will be gone and won't be back til tomorrow.
Palazzo Zaterre: Go toPalazzo Zaterre.
Gate to the warehouse: Go to thegrilled gate at right.
Look close at the lock. Insert the keycard withelectronic gadget.
Using the code from the microdot press the correctsequence in the keypad. The door opens.
Warehouse: Enter and see thetopmost warehouse room. I used the keypad arrows here instead of the mouse.
Be careful and avoid the robots. Hide in corners orjust move away. Plan your path ahead of time.
There are 9 rooms in the warehouse; 3 rooms in 3 rows.
The corner rooms have the power circuit panels. Go to each corner room and overload the power markedby red electric symbols inside a circle.
This will deactivate the 4 lasers guarding thesapphire that is located at the center room.
Power circuit at the 4 corner rooms: See 8 rods with a lever at the bottom under each rod.
The aim is to lower the shutters to cover the rods. This will overload thecircuit.
Find the first rod that can be shut down. Then find the second by pressing thefirst rod lever followed by another unknown rod. Then redo the sequence again to findthe third and then the fourth and so on.. until all 8 are covered and the poweris overloaded.
Do this to all 4 corner power circuits.
After overloading the 4 power circuits, go to thecenter room and take the sapphire. Exit the warehouse.
Go back to the Ca'. Change outfit to the SamanthaQuick costume: blonde wig, black sunglasses, white gloves, red dress and blackshoes.
Enrico Tazza: Go to Casa dei Giochi at Campo Santa Margherita. Knockon the door.
Talk to Enrico Tazza. Hear about Nico, the ChinesePuzzle box and shaking the box. He wants Samantha to beat him in Scopa beforeshe gets paid.
Play Scopa.
He will send the payment to a Swiss bank account.
Chinese Box Puzzle: Go backto the Ca'.
Enter the bedroom and change outfit to daily wear.
Check the note on the pillow of Nancy's bed. It's a parting letter from Colin-Justin. Look at the handwriting of this letter andthe note that came with the spoiled sausages. Aha! Why?
Exit the room and look at the Chinese Puzzle box on Colin's work table.
Nancy shakes the box as overheard from the phone call of Tazza.
It opens and Chinese characters are seen.
If you haven't yet, go buy the book 'An Introduction to Chinese Symbols' fromthe kiosk at Piazza San Marco.
Go back to the Chinese Box at the Ca'.
Translate the Chinese characters. Let's try the 4 elements: Press wood,mountain, fire and water. Aha.
Take the Scopa card code for the Communication points.
Check Fango's office again:
Time to sleep. Go to the bedroom and lay me down to sleep.
Wake up and the alert on the PDA goes off. Go to the balcony and use thebinoculars. Too late.
Margherita's business with Fango: Talk to Margherita.
She found a flyer in a trash here in the Ca' about wireless network. See numbersat the back of the flyer = 111#046.
Talk to Helena about Colin.
Fango's office: Go to Fango's office at Campo del Frari.
Pick the lock of the door and then enter.
Music box: Check and note down the notes of the music playedby the horse music box.
Fax machine: Enter the number see at the back of the wirelessflyer = 111#046.
It printed out a set of dots with notes. Ah, they look like the phone numberpad.
Click the number pad code on the Fax dial.
Using the printed number pad code as reference, enter the notes of the musicbox: mi, re, do, si, la, re, re, do, la, fi, sol, do, mi, do, do, sol, sol,mi, fa, re, re, re, la, si, re, do on the number pad.
Press: 2 9 1 # * 9 9 1 * 7 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 6 9 9 9 * # 9 1.
Check all the references in the automated directory and find out:
1. Personnel:
Signore Dottore is president, Capitano - communications, Arlecchino - shippingand receiving, Scaramuccia-security, Brighella - Acquisition.
2. Store Locations:
1. HQ - Argon building.
2. Safe-Secure store - fountain at Campo Santa Formosa.
3. Acquisition partners - Aces, Knights and Kings.
4. Presidential Suites are in Ca' Nascosta.
5. Propane storage is in Campo Santa Margherita.
6. All others - check the calendar.
3. Communications
1. Presidential communications - sent by box of chocolates to Il Dottore
2. Acquisitions is at temporary meeting spaces; check the card delivered.
3. Security done by chess and follow up checked by Scaramuccia.
4. Shipping and receiving is at the propane storage facility.
Scopa cards: Check the middle file cabinet again and seethat the King of coins (Re di Danari) is now gone. Based on the code of places,it is the Palazzo Orpello.
Report: Call Sophia using the PDA. Report where it willstrike next.
The GdiF will stakeout the Palazzo; Nancy should be at the stakeout also.
Brush up on Italian words to understand the other operatives.
Common Italian words: Go back to the Ca'. Go to thebedroom and review the Common Italian terms.
Be sure to remember all the words in the page shown below.Press the button to hear the pronunciation.
Call Sophia. I am ready.
Stakeout: Get instruction. Click on the place whereNico is located, not where the agents are staked out.
Click on Nico three times correctly and he will beapprehended.
Sophia reports: Nico is arrested but does not admitanything. Sophia looks at the propane gas receipt Nico carried. It has 3447written on the back.
Find the secure and safe place:
Propane gas container: Go to Campo Santa Margheritaand then to the alley at left.
Look close at the lock. Enter 3447 and open thepropane storage container.
Take the key and the water well map (notfound in senior mode).
Safe place: Go to Campo SantaMaria Formosa. Look close at the right side of the wall fountain.
If you do not see the fountain or door with the lockright of the fountain, it is because you have not checked all the extensions inthe fax machine at Fango's office.
Use the key from the propane storage bin on thepadlock.
Explore the water well maze:
Enter and turn right. Study the map seen on the wall.Compare that to the water well map taken from the propane bin.
So we are in #1 circle right now. Ultimately we wantto go to 10 and across that to the other ladder.
To do so, we need water to get a bridge up at top ofdiamond well. We do this by draining the other 2 wells.
1. From the map pull back and turn right around thecorner.
Turn around and see the circle water well. We want togo across based on the map.
Go forward and see that the water is down. Turn leftand fill this circle well by turning the wheel counterclockwise.
Now cross the bridge.
2. Now we're in #2 in the map. Turn to the right justafter crossing the floating bridge.
We want to go to point 3. Drain the circle well byturning the wheel clockwise.
Turn left and go down the ladder one level down.
Turn around and cross the bridge.
3. We are now in point 3. Time to empty thiscircle well.
Turn to the right and turn the wheel clockwise todrain circle well.
4. Turn left and go down the ramp to see trianglewell. Cross the bridge.
We are now point 4 at the map. Immediately turn to theright.
Turn the wheel to drain the triangle well inpreparation for #8.
5. Go up the ramp to see a drained diamond well.
Turn left and fill the triangle well so we can goacross.
6. Cross the bridge and be at point 6.
Catch That Pigeon Song
Turn right and drain the triangle well.
Go to the ladder and go down to the next level.
7. Cross the bridge. We are now at point 7 of thediamond well.
Turn right and drain the diamond well.
8. Go down the ramp to point 8 and see the floatingbridge. Do not cross.
Turn left and drain triangle well.
9. Go back up the ramp to diamond well.
See that there is a floating bridge here caused by draining the other well.
Cross the bridge and go up the ladder to point 9.
Turn around and forward.
Turn left and let us fill diamond well.
Go back to the ladder and climb up.
10. We are now in point 10.
Turn around and forward to the wheel.
Turn left and fill diamond well so we can get to theultimate ladder.
Ladder: Cross thebridge and see the passage on the left.
Go forward, left and climb the ladder.
Safe place (at last in more ways than one):
Light: Turn around from the ladder. We need light.
Look close at that faint yellow thing at left. Take the flashlight.
Take the flashlight from the stand. Pull back. Take the flashlight frominventory and click it forward until the metal door.
The loot: See a keypad. Use the numbers taken from themicrodot of the pigeon message Hello!
Press 4 3 5 5 6.
Enter through the metal door. See a crate. Check the crate and see that it ismailed to one seen at the postcard and mailed dropped after a smashing encounteryour first day here.
Check what is inside and see Carnevale mask. Open one and see the loot.
This is where the adventure began: the door is closed, water starts flowing.
Save yourself: Go to the left and look close at the gauges.
You need to place the gauge all at the center line. Be sure that when you adjustthe gauges that you do not have any reach the top or the game ends.
After studying what gauge affects others: (left to right):
Do this fast:
Click 2 down clockwise twice.
Click 1 up counterclockwise 5 times.
Click 3 down clockwise 3 times.
Click 5 up counterclockwise 4 times only.
Click 4 down clockwise twice only.
Click 5 up counterclockwise once.
Click 4 down clockwise twice. Whew!
Exit, climb rope ladder and report.
Track the villain: Nancy needs to track the villain.Check the mode of transportation and the last location she is seen.
A piedi is on foot - black lines, Vaporetto is by water boat - red lines andgondola is the blue lines.
The flashing circle is where the villain was last seen.
Listen to the explanation after catching the villain.
See you at Haunting of Castle Malloy
This document maynot be distributed without express written permission of the authorand the content may not be altered in any way.
ForQuestions or Comments on this Walkthrough,
Please write to: MaGtRo
Copyright© 7/2008 MaGtRo
Nancy Drew 18: The Phantom of Venice
by Her Interactive
Walkthrough by MaGtRo July 2008
Gameplay: This point and click game comes in2 CDs.
Nancy will show you the desk in her bedroom. This iswhere you can access the 'How to be a Detective Book' that shows the gamemanipulations. The Scrapbook has past Nancy Drew Games information. The CaseFiles is where the information about the present mystery case is explained. Pick up the Italian Dictionary! Once you are ready to play the game, clickon the plane ticket to go to the new case location.
You will then select to play either Junior or Seniordetective.
The main screen has pictures at the bottom of thepage. The bag at left is the inventory link. The journal shows Nancy's notesabout the present case. The checklist shows what needs to be done or was done inthe case to progress in the game. The gear icon shows the options. Here thevoice, effects and music volume can be adjusted. Also, the bottom background canbe changed. Closed captioning and screen size selection are also in this page.The Load folder has the list of the saved games that can be replayed. Thediskette is used to save the game. The rightmost icon closes the game.
Senior and junior modes of gameplay are the sameexcept for the Task list that is open for the junior mode only.
Nancy walks through a dark well tunnel. The door slamsshuts and water begins pouring out of pipes. Nancy recalls the start of her tripto Venice.
Meet the other people at Ca' Nascosta
Nancy's room: Nancy wakes up inside an ornately decorated red room.Look around the room.
Helena: Go forward afterrising from the bed. Look at the picture on the dresser. This is Helena, theroommate.
Check the postcards and the notes on the back that areon the table. Her parents and a friend are in Germany. She has friends namedKillian in Chicago IL.
The phone is by Helena's bed. Go outside the balconyand see the waterways of Venice.
Look at the left side of the balcony door and seeNancy's bed. Check the bathroom by the Nancy's wardrobe. Going to the bathroomoften might earn you a Lavatorio Star at end of the game.
Dress for the day: Open thewardrobe. Open each drawer and select the outfit you want Nancy to wear: fromtop of her head to the shoes of choice. Changing your outfit frequently mightearn you a Fashionista Star at end of the game.
Check the makeup bag on top of the drawer. See theoutfit your wearing at top left of the screen. See also that the purse has 200Euros.
Check the book: An Interactive Guide to Venice on topof the desk left of the door. Learn the history of Venice, major sights to see,the famous gelato, Commedia dell'Arte, Carnevale and learn some Common Italianwords and phrases. Press the red button to hear the words pronounced.
Exit the room.
Great room: Turn left and talk to man working on restoring the walls.
Colin Baxter: Learn all abouttesserae. He's English and studied at Oxford University. He shows his tiles.After a while pull back to stop the tile show.
See an Etruscan bronze statuette on his workbench. Hementions a package for Nancy outside.
Balcony: Turn around fromColin and go up to the balcony
Margherita Faubourg: Talk tothe owner of Ca' Nascosta sunbathing.
Look around and see some flowers that are covered bybees.
Gate: Exit the balcony andthen through the door at right to be outside.
Helena Berg: Go down thestairs and meet Helena abruptly.
Pick up the letters; one of which is from her friendfrom the US, Hildegard Killian.
Learn the assignment:
Parcel: Pick up the parcelfrom the table. Take the ATM card from Banco dell' Oro.
There is an ATM machine at Piazza San Marco thatshould be sued to activate the card.
Read the newspaper. Learn about the latest item stolenby The Phantom - the Chalice from Convent of St Gervase.
Helena: Go back up and talkto Helena at the table at left side of room. She's a journalist and writes forEurowelt Magazine. Learn that Colin is a false name. His real name is Justin.
Map: Exit through the gateand see the map.
See that there are 3 ways to go: Black lines are byfoot. The water boats (V) are on the red lines and the gondoliers are the bluelines. The gondoliers charge money; try it to have the experience but rememberthat you are on a budget. Hear the lovely song sang by the gondoliers andsightsee at the waterways of Venice. If you do ride with the gondoliers often tolisten them sing; you might earn the Musical Muse Star at end of the game.
Click on a place to travel one leg at a time. Clickagain on the place with an eye icon to check some places of interest.
Piazza San Marco: Go toPiazza San Marco at bottom right of the map.
Pigeon food: Click to enter the bank at left.See a bird food dispenser on the left. Get some for 5 Euros.
Banco dell' Oro: Enter thebank at left.
Use the ATM card on the slot. Read the instructionsabout the assignment. Antonio Fango is to be watched using the binoculars and analert will be given by the PDA whenever he is at his office in the Argonbuilding. The office can be seen at the balcony of Ca' Nascosta.
Press home button and then the Case Dossier. Take thePDA and binoculars.
Kiosk: Exit the bank. Lookclose at the kiosk. See some things to buy.
Buy the Sassy Detective magazine at second fromtop shelf and the EuroWelt magazine from the third from top shelf for 5Euros each.
Open the EuroWelt magazine and see that it is inGerman. Buy the German-English Dictionary from bottom shelf. There areonly 165 Euros left. Click the German-English dictionary on the open magazineand read the story about Leo Machiano and his trial.
Exit the piazza. Go back to the Ca' Nascosta.
Ca' Nascosta: The pager beeps.Time to go to work.
Balcony: Go up to thebalcony at top of the house. Stand behind Margherita and use the binoculars on the window of theArgon building.
See Fango take something from a pigeon that landed onthe window. Fango leaves the room.
Bedroom: Nancy automatically reports to Sophia Leporace. Sophiawants the pigeon be fed a tracking device. The device is to be picked up at acostume shop in Campo Santa Maria Formosa.
Nancy has to find out where the pigeon goes and todiscover what the message contains.
Call Prudence Rutherford on the phone and see if youcan connect with her.
Sausages: (May or maynot happen) See a basket on the table left of the door.
The note with it says that the sausages camefrom Colin. Eat some.
Exit the room and Nancy collapses. Nancy got foodpoisoning.
After waking up at bedroom, check the handwriting onHelena's postcards and see if they match. No, they don't.
Talk to Colin about the sausages. He says he did notsend them. Uh Oh! (Thanks, Ana)
Turn around and see a box of chocolates on the coffeetable by the sofa. Have some.
Talk to Helena.
Feed and follow the pigeon: Exit the house.
Get the tracking device: Goto Campo Santa Maria Formosa.
Open the PDA and review what the tracking device lookslike.
Enter the Costumi di Vera.
Save here! Immediately click using the tip ofthe cursor on the white pill right of the box on the left side of the shelf atback wall. You get a second chance if the pill self destruct.
Leave the store and the Campo.
Note: If you haven't boughtbird seeds yet, buy some from the Piazza San Marco or from the Rialto market.
Enter Fango's office: Go toCampo del Frari. Enter the building.
See that Fango's office is locked. Looks like Ihave to pick this lock somehow..
Read the Sassy Detective magazine and learn how topick a lock.
Ca' Nascosta: Go back to Ca'Nascosta and then to the bedroom. The phone rings. Talk to Prudence Rutherford,the former owner of Ca' Nascosta. Try calling Mrs. Rutherford later and get afunny caller ID dialogue.
Take hairpins from Nancy's makeup kit insidethe wardrobe.
Go back to Fango's office.
Pick the lock of office door: Use the hairpin on the lock.
See 6 pins. The objective is to get the pins alignedto have all white on top of the line and the brown below.
This is a random puzzle and will be done several timesin the game. So practice.
Click on each pin to find out which pin moves mostother pins. Align that one first. Then do the next pin that moves more than theothers. Leave the pin that moves only itself last. Have fun!
Search the room: Look around theroom. Turn right from the door and check the shelf at right. See a musicalhorse. Click on the knob to hear the whole music.
Check the cabinet at the middle. See a Commediadell'Arte poster of mask. Some are crossed out, except for Scaramuccia, IlCapitano, Brighella, Arlecchino and Il Dottore at the center.
There's a fax machine right of the desk by the window.Look at the trash can that has a Kris Kringle wrapper left of the desk.
Check the diplomas at back wall. See that Fangograduated at London School of Applied Technologies and the University ofBologna.
Check the travel brochure on the table left of thecoffee machine. Use the Italian dictionary to translate.
Check the file cabinets on the left wall. Open thethird from top drawer of the middle cabinet. See some Scopa cards but some cardsare missing. Have fun opening the other drawers to see stuffed cat, fakespringing eyes and robot.
Feed the pigeon: Look closeat the pigeon on the window shelf. It has yellow legs.
Place the bird seed in front of the pigeon. Place thetracking device on the seeds. Watch the bird eats it.
If unsuccessful this time, check the PDA and track thepigeon.
Hide: Uh Oh! Fango is comingback. Immediately, go to the left of the room and enter the cabinet with theposter.
Watch as Fango moves around the office. Exit thecabinet. Put the loose poster back in place.
Look around to know what he did back here. Look at thefront of the desk and see a box of chocolate and the identifier of thechocolates
Game pigeon how to delete. Computer: Go around the deskand face the laptop.
It asks for a password. See that the icon is the maskof Il Capitano as seen in the poster.
Type in Il Capitano. Click on the chess icon and seethat Gina's Chessboard server is down.
Check the trash. See that he cancelled planereservations to Tahiti and later to Aruba.
Check all the chess logs. See that Fango plays chesswith Scaramuccia. There are locations noted at each end of the game.
Follow the pigeon: Exit theoffice.
At the map, open the PDA. Click on 'track'. See arrowsthat would show where the bird has flown.
The arrows point to south and west. Go to Campo SantaMargherita, SW of the office.
See a lot of birds in front of the Casa dei Giochiwhich translate as House of Games.
Look for a pigeon with yellow legs and then click tosee if it is the one we fed.
Take the message from the leg of the pigeon. See thatthe message is hello!
Click on the message in close up and the birds fly away.Automatically, Sophia calls on the PDA. She wants the message checked for amicrodot.
Garbage interest: Go to thealley left of the piazza.
See a propane tank container that has a 4 digit lockon it.
To the right is a garbage bin. Check what is insidecompletely.
After some interesting discarded items from previousNancy games, read and take a Scotland Report about Colin Baxter akaJustin Mathias Beaumont.
After more previous game garbage, see a letter to Enrico Tazza from the Doppeler Institute about Samantha Quick. Usethe Italian dictionary to translate the letter. She will be coming after theCarnival. She can be identified by what she will be wearing: red dress, whitegloves, black sunglasses and has blond hair.
Check the message for a microdot:
Go back to the Ca' Nascosta.
Chocolates: See a box ofchocolate on the table. It is for Il Dottore.
Open and see what's inside. What else - Chocolates. Ifwe remember (since we can't take it) the chocolate identifier we saw from Fango's office, the chocolatesare arranged:
Caramella, Oro, Pralina
Pralina, Anice, Sambusco
Anice, Frutto, Elegante
COPPASAFE? What does that mean? Cup safe? The chaliceof St. Gervase is now in the safe place?
This must be a way of communicating with Il Dottore.
Go up the steps and hear the 3 talking about Nancy. Enter the Great room.
Talk to Helena and learn about her immersion to andher knowledge about the Machiano case.
Talk to Colin about the microscope. Talk to him againabout the art theft. He admits his past to Nancy and learn about what Margheritaasked him to do.
Microscope: Click the messageon the microscope.
Read: Il Dottore requests you to change the saferoom lock combination to 43556.
Margherita: Go up to thebalcony and talk to Margherita. She gives the impression that she doesn't likeNancy.
Learn about her thoughts concerning Helena, how tomake money at Rialto market and about Colin.
There's a letter on the table. Try to read it.
Report: Go to bedroom or thebedroom balconyor to the front gate and call Sophia using the PDA.
She wants the 3 members of the household to be bugged.The tracking device can be taken from the ATM machine at Banco dell' Oro.
Place the tracking device on the other occupants ofCa'Nacostra.
Banco dell' Oro: Go to PiazzaSan Marco at bottom right of the map.
Enter the bank, insert the ATM card in the machine,select 'Pick Up' and take the 3 tracking devices.
Kiosk: While we're here, goto the kiosk and buy the black sunglasses left of the books and the Guide to Chess at third from top shelf. You have 150 Euros left.
Ca' Nascosta: Go back to thehouse. Talk to give the tessera to Colin.
Go to the bedroom and then the bathroom. Hear thatHelena is in the bathroom.
Go back to the table where Helena usually writes. Takethe pink pen and remove the top end part (pen is inverted) and insert the whitetracking device. Check what she has written in her log book. Use the Germandictionary. Very Interesting.
Go up to the balcony and talk to Margherita.Automatically gift her with the sunglasses case.
Buy the new outfit:
If you have not bought the sunglasses yet go to thekiosk at Piazza San Marco and get one. Get the Chess book too.
Go to Campo Santa Maria Formosa and enter the costumeshop. Buy the red dress for 60 Euros, the white gloves at rightfor 5 Euros and the blonde wig for 40 Euros. If you have enoughmoney (or earn some more) you can get the Clogio Star at end of the game bybuying several Italian shoes. There are 45 Euros left.
Rialto Market: Let's take aside trip. Go to the Rialto market as mentioned by Margherita at top of the map.
Gelato: Look around. See theGelato cooler at right. Get one for 2 Euros.
Open the cooler, take the scoop at right and selectyour flavor. Scoop as much as you want and place the gelato on the cone atright. If you can afford it and adventurous - try different flavors of gelato;you might earn the Gelatina Star at the end of the game. 4 scoops per cone isthe max.
Make a gelato of the colors of the Italian flag (redat bottom, white and green on top) and hear a *chicken cackle* to get an EasterEgg. (Thanks lily.bart!)
Carbo Infusion: Have somerefreshing drink from the Carbo Infusion.
Florist: Check the sign usingthe Italian dictionary and see that 'We buy flowers'. Hmm.. A way to earnmoney. Where did we see some flowers? Ah.. Bees!
Bug spray: There are seeds to buyand a bug spray for 20 Euros. You might want to buy it to earn money. Use theItalian dictionary to check the flowers. If you use the Italian dictionary oftenenough, you might get the Webstressa Star at end of the game.
Riciglaggio: Check the recycling stand.
Earn or get some money:
Check litter: At each place,check the litter around - click on them. Some trash might be hiding money likethe Euros hidden on the litter in front of the Casa dei Giochi at Campo Santa Margheritaor at Campo Santa Maria Formosa.You might even get the Euro Trash Star at the end of the game.
Sell flowers: (This is anoptional way to get money. If you can find enough coins through other means andnot want to earn it this way, no problem.) Go back to Ca' Nascosta and up to the balcony.
Turn around and look at the flower with the bees. Usethe bug sprayer on the flowers.
Automatically ask Margherita about the flowers. Theyare from Hilihili Research Facility in Hawaii. Sounds familiar?
If you played The Crystal Skull, you know what to do.Click the bug sprayer on the bees until they all fall on the floor. Be sure tohit the vicious red ones first.
Take the flowers and bring them to the floristat Rialto Market.
Place the flowers on the empty flower vase above thesign. Get 30 Euros for them.
Meet Enrico Tazza:
(This can happen at any time before now.) Go back to Ca' Nascosta. The alert sounded on the PDA. Go to the balconyand use the binoculars on Fango. See that he sent another message.
Go back to the bedroom. Report to Sophia. She said to ignore this one.
Change outfit by opening the dresser anduse the red dress, white gloves, dark sunglasses and blond wig. Be sure to wear blackshoes.
Go to Casa dei Giochi at Campo Santa Margherita. Knockon the door.
Talk to Enrico Tazza. He wants Samantha to beat him inScopa.
Scopa: There are 4 suits: coins, cups, swords and clubs.There are 10 cards in each suit with the 7 as the valuable card.
The face cards are the Valet, Knight and King. Thevalue of each card is seen on the card.
The most valuable are the 7s, then 6s, aces, 5 4 3 2and then the face cards.
3 cards are dealt to the players and 4 are face cardat the center.
Each player play only 1 card from his own.
A match of one of your card is the sum of any card onthe face cards at the center.
If you take the last card in the play area - you doScopa. 11 or more points win the game.
Play the game and win to talk to Tazza. Have fun.
Tazza wants Samantha Quick to steal the Sadal Meliksapphire from Palazzo Zattere. It is protected by a very sophisticated system.Gina can help with the security system.
Steal the Sadal Melick sapphire:
Ca' Nascosta: Go back to thebedroom and change out of this outfit. Helena and Colin do not notice thisgoing in-out with different outfits?
Report to Sophia via the PDA. Sophia likes the idea ofstealing the sapphire in order to get in good graces of Tazza. Oh No. No police help. Sophia will make sure that the realSamantha will be delayed.
Contact Gina (Gina who?): Go back to Fango's office at Campo del Frari. Bythis time, you are already an expert lock picker.
Go to the computer. Oh No, the alarm of the PDA goes off, Fango is here.Immediately hide at the cabinet with the poster.
After he leaves, go back out and look at the middle file cabinet. Check the Scopa cards, anotherone is missing - the Valet of clubs.
Go back to the laptop anduse Il Capitano as password.Check the chess game. See that Gina is the chessboard server. Scaramuccia wantsa game.
Exit back to the main menu and check the trash again. Read the chess log Dec29.
Play coded chess: Learn that Scaramuccia likes to use the algebraic style of chess notation.
The main question to be presented to Scaramuccia is Palazzo Zattere.
Review the Chess book bought at the kiosk. Study the graph of columns and rowsof letters-numbers that can be used as codes. Zattere is coded this way; Z =KB1, A = KA4, T = KD2, T = KD2, E = KE4, R = KB2, E = KE4.
Click on the chess piece icon and play with Scaramuccia.
Using the chess notation codes, type in using your keyboard as answers toScaramuccia postings: KB1, KA4, KD2, KD2, KE4, KB2, KE4. Press enter aftereach answer.
Scaramuccia posts to go to the recycling bin at the Rialto Market tomorrowmorning. Ciao!
Note: Since you have to wait for tomorrow to continue and if you haveenough money left, picked up or earned; go shopping or eat gelato or ride thegondola.
Ca' Nascosta: Go back to thebedroom and go to sleep.
Il Fantasma-The Phantom: Nancy is woken up by the Phantom. He took Ned's gift, the locket from her neck.Helena comes out of the bathroom and screams. The Phantom escapes through thebalcony. The newspaper reports the theft of the Etruscan bronze on Colin's worktable and the necklace.
Mrs. Rutherford calls and gave her one - no, half acent in.
Try to go to the Grand room and is stopped by anargument between Helena and Colin; each blaming each other for leaving the dooropen.
Margherita and Fango? The PDA alert sounded. Go to the balcony and use thebinoculars on Fango's office. See Margherita arguing with Fango and waving apiece of paper. She leaves in a huff. What is she doing there?
While she's gone, read the letter on the table. Usethe Italian dictionary.
Chinese puzzle box: Talk toColin about the puzzle box.
Collect items left by Scaramuccia:
Go to Rialto market. Use the Italian dictionary on thelabel of the blue stand.
Take the bottle inside the recycler. Open the base ofthe bottle.
Take the card with the word Hi and the keycard with electronic gadget. The bottle goes in the recycler.
Read the Hi card: Go back to theCa'.
Look close at the microscope. Click the Hi card on themicroscope. As soon as you look through the scope, the bulb burns out.
Colin got a bit hasty there. While he's looking foranother bulb, he asks that you do some mosaic work.
Mosaic tiles: Click to lookclose at a photograph.
Add tiles taken from top to the empty areas of themosaic. Use the picture as reference.
I usually do the least number of tile colors first. Becareful of the slight change in shadings.
If you do this without any mistake, a Star at the endof the game might be waiting.
Click the cover to see the finished mosaic. Colincomes back and has installed the new microscope bulb.
Look close at the microscope. Click the Hi card on themicroscope.
Read the microdot: Vlad is inGstaad fro the next month so he won't show up. The Sapphire is housed in thewarehouse below the Palazzo - the entrance is the barred doors in the alleyway.You'll need an anti-thermal suit for this job. If you've lost yours, Fausto atClub Micio in Campo San Polo is the only one who has any left. Be forewarned,he's gone straight and isn't dealing in this business any longer so you'll needto date one of the dancers since Fausto uses the old fabric for his dancers'costumes. But I doubt that'll be any problem for you. Use the attached lockoverride to break the combinations for the entry to the warehouse and thesapphire container. The lock override will show you the order in which to pushthem in the following sequence: (see picture). The warehouse is monitored byrobotic sentries. There are four power circuits you'll need to find and overloadto temporarily shut the power off that feeds the alarm system protecting thesapphire. The sapphire is in the center warehouse.
One Easter egg: Pick the lock of the locked room leftof Colin. *Chicken cackle*. Get an Easter egg.
Get an anti-thermal costume: Go to Club Micio in Campo San Polo. Enter the Club.
Dance Audition: Hear thatthere is a dance audition today. If you finish this puzzle, you can earn moneylater by dancing for tips if you want.
Read the dance instructions. Take note that each dancehas a sound and a color cue.
For the sound, press the sound icon to hear a sampleof the cue.
Click on the cat suit hanging on the wall and be onstage to audition.
There are circles on top of the screen that arecolored coded and have the sound icon like (l-r):
Yellow = bell, teal - claps, orange = ocarina, blue =whistle, green = buzzer and red = siren.
At the top of the circle is a bar. This shows theprogress of the audition. The audition is successfully done when the bar reachesthe right.
The color cues are seen in various areas of the stage:the light bulbs and fluorescent bars on the sides of the stage and the lights onthe base of the stage. Good luck and happy dancing!
Congratulations, Punchy LaRue!
If you want to dance for tips, click on the goldcurtain at right. If you do dance for tips several times, you might win aDancing Super Star at the end of the game.
Someone is out to get Nancy: Go back to the Ca'. Outside the Ca' see some leaves falling from above. Look upand see a vase about to hit you - back up immediately.
Go to the balcony and check to see who is up there.Take the Scopa card - Valet of clubs from the edge of the balcony. Uh Oh! Thisis the one missing from Fango's cabinet.
Change into the anti-thermal suit. Open the wardrobeand change into: black gloves, black mask, cat's ears, black top, black pantsand black boots.
(This can happen earlier in this day). Try to leave the room. The phone rings. Answer thephone and talk to Samantha Quick. She knows all about Nancy. Who is she?
Try to leave the room again. Get another phone call.It is Margherita. She will be gone and won't be back til tomorrow.
Palazzo Zaterre: Go toPalazzo Zaterre.
Gate to the warehouse: Go to thegrilled gate at right.
Look close at the lock. Insert the keycard withelectronic gadget.
Using the code from the microdot press the correctsequence in the keypad. The door opens.
Warehouse: Enter and see thetopmost warehouse room. I used the keypad arrows here instead of the mouse.
Be careful and avoid the robots. Hide in corners orjust move away. Plan your path ahead of time.
There are 9 rooms in the warehouse; 3 rooms in 3 rows.
The corner rooms have the power circuit panels. Go to each corner room and overload the power markedby red electric symbols inside a circle.
This will deactivate the 4 lasers guarding thesapphire that is located at the center room.
Power circuit at the 4 corner rooms: See 8 rods with a lever at the bottom under each rod.
The aim is to lower the shutters to cover the rods. This will overload thecircuit.
Find the first rod that can be shut down. Then find the second by pressing thefirst rod lever followed by another unknown rod. Then redo the sequence again to findthe third and then the fourth and so on.. until all 8 are covered and the poweris overloaded.
Do this to all 4 corner power circuits.
After overloading the 4 power circuits, go to thecenter room and take the sapphire. Exit the warehouse.
Go back to the Ca'. Change outfit to the SamanthaQuick costume: blonde wig, black sunglasses, white gloves, red dress and blackshoes.
Enrico Tazza: Go to Casa dei Giochi at Campo Santa Margherita. Knockon the door.
Talk to Enrico Tazza. Hear about Nico, the ChinesePuzzle box and shaking the box. He wants Samantha to beat him in Scopa beforeshe gets paid.
Play Scopa.
He will send the payment to a Swiss bank account.
Chinese Box Puzzle: Go backto the Ca'.
Enter the bedroom and change outfit to daily wear.
Check the note on the pillow of Nancy's bed. It's a parting letter from Colin-Justin. Look at the handwriting of this letter andthe note that came with the spoiled sausages. Aha! Why?
Exit the room and look at the Chinese Puzzle box on Colin's work table.
Nancy shakes the box as overheard from the phone call of Tazza.
It opens and Chinese characters are seen.
If you haven't yet, go buy the book 'An Introduction to Chinese Symbols' fromthe kiosk at Piazza San Marco.
Go back to the Chinese Box at the Ca'.
Translate the Chinese characters. Let's try the 4 elements: Press wood,mountain, fire and water. Aha.
Take the Scopa card code for the Communication points.
Check Fango's office again:
Time to sleep. Go to the bedroom and lay me down to sleep.
Wake up and the alert on the PDA goes off. Go to the balcony and use thebinoculars. Too late.
Margherita's business with Fango: Talk to Margherita.
She found a flyer in a trash here in the Ca' about wireless network. See numbersat the back of the flyer = 111#046.
Talk to Helena about Colin.
Fango's office: Go to Fango's office at Campo del Frari.
Pick the lock of the door and then enter.
Music box: Check and note down the notes of the music playedby the horse music box.
Fax machine: Enter the number see at the back of the wirelessflyer = 111#046.
It printed out a set of dots with notes. Ah, they look like the phone numberpad.
Click the number pad code on the Fax dial.
Using the printed number pad code as reference, enter the notes of the musicbox: mi, re, do, si, la, re, re, do, la, fi, sol, do, mi, do, do, sol, sol,mi, fa, re, re, re, la, si, re, do on the number pad.
Press: 2 9 1 # * 9 9 1 * 7 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 6 9 9 9 * # 9 1.
Check all the references in the automated directory and find out:
1. Personnel:
Signore Dottore is president, Capitano - communications, Arlecchino - shippingand receiving, Scaramuccia-security, Brighella - Acquisition.
2. Store Locations:
1. HQ - Argon building.
2. Safe-Secure store - fountain at Campo Santa Formosa.
3. Acquisition partners - Aces, Knights and Kings.
4. Presidential Suites are in Ca' Nascosta.
5. Propane storage is in Campo Santa Margherita.
6. All others - check the calendar.
3. Communications
1. Presidential communications - sent by box of chocolates to Il Dottore
2. Acquisitions is at temporary meeting spaces; check the card delivered.
3. Security done by chess and follow up checked by Scaramuccia.
4. Shipping and receiving is at the propane storage facility.
Scopa cards: Check the middle file cabinet again and seethat the King of coins (Re di Danari) is now gone. Based on the code of places,it is the Palazzo Orpello.
Report: Call Sophia using the PDA. Report where it willstrike next.
The GdiF will stakeout the Palazzo; Nancy should be at the stakeout also.
Brush up on Italian words to understand the other operatives.
Common Italian words: Go back to the Ca'. Go to thebedroom and review the Common Italian terms.
Be sure to remember all the words in the page shown below.Press the button to hear the pronunciation.
Call Sophia. I am ready.
Stakeout: Get instruction. Click on the place whereNico is located, not where the agents are staked out.
Click on Nico three times correctly and he will beapprehended.
Sophia reports: Nico is arrested but does not admitanything. Sophia looks at the propane gas receipt Nico carried. It has 3447written on the back.
Find the secure and safe place:
Propane gas container: Go to Campo Santa Margheritaand then to the alley at left.
Look close at the lock. Enter 3447 and open thepropane storage container.
Take the key and the water well map (notfound in senior mode).
Safe place: Go to Campo SantaMaria Formosa. Look close at the right side of the wall fountain.
If you do not see the fountain or door with the lockright of the fountain, it is because you have not checked all the extensions inthe fax machine at Fango's office.
Use the key from the propane storage bin on thepadlock.
Explore the water well maze:
Enter and turn right. Study the map seen on the wall.Compare that to the water well map taken from the propane bin.
So we are in #1 circle right now. Ultimately we wantto go to 10 and across that to the other ladder.
To do so, we need water to get a bridge up at top ofdiamond well. We do this by draining the other 2 wells.
1. From the map pull back and turn right around thecorner.
Turn around and see the circle water well. We want togo across based on the map.
Go forward and see that the water is down. Turn leftand fill this circle well by turning the wheel counterclockwise.
Now cross the bridge.
2. Now we're in #2 in the map. Turn to the right justafter crossing the floating bridge.
We want to go to point 3. Drain the circle well byturning the wheel clockwise.
Turn left and go down the ladder one level down.
Turn around and cross the bridge.
3. We are now in point 3. Time to empty thiscircle well.
Turn to the right and turn the wheel clockwise todrain circle well.
4. Turn left and go down the ramp to see trianglewell. Cross the bridge.
We are now point 4 at the map. Immediately turn to theright.
Turn the wheel to drain the triangle well inpreparation for #8.
5. Go up the ramp to see a drained diamond well.
Turn left and fill the triangle well so we can goacross.
6. Cross the bridge and be at point 6.
Catch The Pigeon Games
Turn right and drain the triangle well.
Go to the ladder and go down to the next level.
7. Cross the bridge. We are now at point 7 of thediamond well.
Turn right and drain the diamond well.
8. Go down the ramp to point 8 and see the floatingbridge. Do not cross.
Turn left and drain triangle well.
9. Go back up the ramp to diamond well.
See that there is a floating bridge here caused by draining the other well.
Cross the bridge and go up the ladder to point 9.
Turn around and forward.
Turn left and let us fill diamond well.
Go back to the ladder and climb up.
10. We are now in point 10.
Turn around and forward to the wheel.
Turn left and fill diamond well so we can get to theultimate ladder.
Ladder: Cross thebridge and see the passage on the left.
Go forward, left and climb the ladder.
Safe place (at last in more ways than one):
Light: Turn around from the ladder. We need light.
Look close at that faint yellow thing at left. Take the flashlight.
Take the flashlight from the stand. Pull back. Take the flashlight frominventory and click it forward until the metal door.
The loot: See a keypad. Use the numbers taken from themicrodot of the pigeon message Hello!
Press 4 3 5 5 6.
Enter through the metal door. See a crate. Check the crate and see that it ismailed to one seen at the postcard and mailed dropped after a smashing encounteryour first day here.
Check what is inside and see Carnevale mask. Open one and see the loot.
This is where the adventure began: the door is closed, water starts flowing.
Game Pigeon For Computer
Save yourself: Go to the left and look close at the gauges.
You need to place the gauge all at the center line. Be sure that when you adjustthe gauges that you do not have any reach the top or the game ends.
After studying what gauge affects others: (left to right):
Do this fast:
Click 2 down clockwise twice.
Click 1 up counterclockwise 5 times.
Click 3 down clockwise 3 times.
Game Pigeon Download
Click 5 up counterclockwise 4 times only.
Click 4 down clockwise twice only.
Click 5 up counterclockwise once.
Click 4 down clockwise twice. Whew!
Exit, climb rope ladder and report.
Track the villain: Nancy needs to track the villain.Check the mode of transportation and the last location she is seen.
A piedi is on foot - black lines, Vaporetto is by water boat - red lines andgondola is the blue lines.
The flashing circle is where the villain was last seen.
Listen to the explanation after catching the villain.
See you at Haunting of Castle Malloy
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ForQuestions or Comments on this Walkthrough,
Please write to: MaGtRo
Copyright© 7/2008 MaGtRo