Game Of Chess Pigeon

Today we present to you the collection of 15 best games in the history of chess. These games involve the most amazing ideas imaginable, greatest combinations, superb sacrifices, tremendous positional play and so on. By deeply studying the annotations you will not only enjoy the greatest chess games but will also improve your own chess. The pigeon knocks over all the pieces, shits on the board and then struts around like it won the game.' A statement allegedly by Russian President Vladimir Putin made about U.S. President Obama. The statement was, 'Negotiating with Obama is like playing chess with a pigeon. Draw by Agreement. One simple way for a chess game to end is by having both players agree that.

Chess however was often specifically exempted from these rules, bans and oaths. It seems that the rabbis found chess, perhaps because it was a game of skill and not luck, to have been the one tolerable form of gambling, though sometimes the wager could be capped or money would be substituted for a proxy such as fruit. It's a rule, from Wikipedia. The relevant rule in the FIDE laws of chess is 9.2, which reads: The game is drawn, upon a correct claim by the player having the move, when the same position, for at least the third time (not necessarily by sequential repetition of moves). Welcome to /r/chess! If you have a question, or if you're new to /r/chess, make sure to first check out our FAQ page and list of online resources in the menu. This community is dedicated to in-depth discussion about all things chess, from games, puzzles, and analysis to news and current events.

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Mikhail Tal
Number of games in database: 2,852
Years covered: 1949 to 1992
Highest rating achieved in database: 2705

Overall record: +1116 -295 =1275 (65.3%)*
* Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games in the database.166 exhibition games, blitz/rapid, odds games, etc. are excluded from this statistic.
With the White pieces:
Ruy Lopez(261)
Ruy Lopez, Closed(163)
French Defense(101)
With the Black pieces:
King's Indian(111)
Modern Benoni(84)
Nimzo Indian(81)
Queen's Pawn Game(73)

NOTABLE GAMES:[what is this?]
Tal vs Larsen, 1965 1-0
Tal vs Hjartarson, 1987 1-0
Tal vs Smyslov, 1959 1-0
Tal vs Hecht, 1962 1-0
Tal vs Koblents, 1957 1-0
Botvinnik vs Tal, 1960 0-1
Bobotsov vs Tal, 1958 0-1
Spassky vs Tal, 1973 0-1
Tal vs Jack Miller, 1988 1-0
Tal vs Karpov, 1987 1-0
Botvinnik - Tal World Championship Match (1960)
Tal - Botvinnik World Championship Rematch (1961)

USSR Championship (1957)
Zurich (1959)
USSR Championship (1958)
Bled (1961)
Bled-Zagreb-Belgrade Candidates (1959)
Palma de Mallorca (1966)
Reykjavik (1964)
USSR Championship (1972)
Tallinn (1973)
Riga Interzonal (1979)
USSR Championship (1962)
USSR Championship (1959)
USSR Championship 1964/65 (1964)
USSR Championship (1971)
Amsterdam Interzonal (1964)

GAME COLLECTIONS:[what is this?]
Talented Indeed is a FTB Understatementby fredthebear
Tal Feverby chocobonbon
Match Tal!by amadeus
Tal's Tournament and Matches 1949-1973by Bokke
Tal's Tournament and Matches 1949-1973 per JFQby fredthebear
Tal's Tournament and Matches 1949-1973by jessicafischerqueen
Mikhail Tal's Best Gamesby mneuwirth
Mikhail Tal's Best Gamesby KingG
*Mikhail Tal's Best Gamesby takchess
Mikhail Tal: Selected Gamesby wanabe2000
Tals Amazing ATTACKS!!!by Zhbugnoimt
The Magician, supplementalby Yopo
*The Life and Games of Mikhail Talby sputnik707
Tal king of chessby LESTRADAR

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(born Nov-09-1936, died Jun-28-1992, 55 years old) Latvia
[what is this?]

Mikhail Nekhemievich Tal was born in Riga, Latvia (annexed by the USSR in 1940). At six, he learned chess from his father, a medical doctor (source: Tal interview in <Chess Life>, May 1967). Tal won his first Latvian Championship in 1953, and earned the title of Soviet Master the following year. In 1957, aged twenty, he became the youngest-ever Soviet Champion. In 1960, following a string of victories in strong tournaments (including a second consecutive Soviet Championship, the Portorož Interzonal and the Candidates in Yugoslavia), Tal became the youngest World Chess Champion with a match victory over Mikhail Botvinnik.This record was broken by Garry Kasparov in 1985. Suffering from poor health, Tal lost the rematch with Botvinnik in 1961. He never qualified for a title match again.

Tal continued to struggle with health problems for the rest of his career, which was often marked by inconsistent results. On a number of occasions, however, he was still able to achieve world-class successes. Tal added four more Soviet Championship victories to his resume (in 1967, 1972, 1974, and 1978), equalling Botvinnik's all-time record of six. In 1979, he won joint first place at Montreal with Anatoly Karpov, briefly climbing back to second place in the world rankings and becoming only the third player after Fischer and Karpov to reach a rating of 2700.* In 1988, Tal won the World Blitz Championship. He died of renal failure in 1992, at the age of 55.

Paul Keres was a font of inspiration for him and Tal won three Keres Memorials: 1977, 1981, and 1983.Renowned for his aggressive, sacrificial playing style, Tal was also a noted chess journalist and author. In his autobiography, The Life and Games of Mikhail Tal, Best way to break in pool game pigeon. he annotates 100 of his greatest games.

A list of books about Tal can be found at

Wikipedia article: Mikhail Tal

A chronological list of Tal's Tournaments and Matches 1949-1973:Game Collection: Tal's Tournament and Matches 1949-1973


Last updated: 2018-07-24 17:47:20

Playing Chess With A Pigeon Meme

Game Of Chess Pigeon
page 1 of 115; games 1-25 of 2,852
1. J Klavins vs Tal0-1181949RigaC10 French
2. Tal vs J I Zilber1-0331949RigaC07 French, Tarrasch
3. Kholmov vs Tal0-1211949SimulD44 Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
4. Tal vs M Strelkov1-0161949RigaC10 French
5. Tal vs Ripatti½-½411949RigaB74 Sicilian, Dragon, Classical
6. Tal vs Leonov1-0251949RigaB13 Caro-Kann, Exchange
7. A Nevitsky vs Tal0-1431949Semi Finals Youth ChampionshipC49 Four Knights
8. A Parnas vs Tal0-1291949RigaC91 Ruy Lopez, Closed
9. Tal vs C Weldon1-0651949VilniusB40 Sicilian
10. Liepin vs Tal0-1441950RigaB59 Sicilian, Boleslavsky Variation, 7.Nb3
11. Leonov vs Tal0-1341950URSE17 Queen's Indian
12. Lavrinenko vs Tal0-1381950RigaB59 Sicilian, Boleslavsky Variation, 7.Nb3
13. Ivanov vs Tal1-0251950URSC90 Ruy Lopez, Closed
14. K Klasup vs Tal½-½411950RigaD30 Queen's Gambit Declined
15. Tal vs Pliss1-0371950RigaC99 Ruy Lopez, Closed, Chigorin,
16. Jullik vs Tal0-1391950RigaA16 English
17. Tal vs N Darsniek0-1261950RigaC98 Ruy Lopez, Closed, Chigorin
18. Tal vs Miglan1-0211950URS jrC82 Ruy Lopez, Open
19. Tal vs J Klavins1-0541950Latvian jr ChampB74 Sicilian, Dragon, Classical
20. Pakala vs Tal0-1291950RigaD02 Queen's Pawn Game
21. Tal vs Sodell0-1231950URSC91 Ruy Lopez, Closed
22. Tal vs Gradus1-0241951Riga championshipC98 Ruy Lopez, Closed, Chigorin
23. Tal vs T Zeids1-0291951RigaD10 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
24. Tal vs S Giterman1-0631951LeningradD15 Queen's Gambit Declined Slav
25. Tal vs J Fride1-0401951RigaB28 Sicilian, O'Kelly Variation
page 1 of 115; games 1-25 of 2,852
REFINE SEARCH:White wins (1-0)Black wins (0-1)Draws (1/2-1/2)Tal winsTal loses

< Earlier Kibitzing· PAGE 113 OF 114 ·Later Kibitzing>
Aug-17-19fabelhaft: Tal and Kasparov played a blitz match in December 1978. The 15-year-old Kasparov did not yet have any Elo rating then, but in January 1980 he appeared as shared 15th while Tal was #2 on the same list.

The 1978 blitz match consisted of 14 games and finished 7-7. The game scores are included in Nikitin’s new Coaching Kasparov book.

MissScarlett: YT comment: <Tom Knezovic 3 days ago

Tal may not be the G.O.A.T. but he looks the most like a goat.>

Check It Out: What a dweeb. Tal was a chick magnet.
perfidious: <AK>, I was a halfway strong player in my best days, with a FIDE rating of 2186 at the time of retirement eighteen years ago, and got to sit across the board from a number of titled players in my day. Nowhere near the class of those GMs or IMs, but no milksop, either.

For all that, I stand by my post above: 2600 today does not even get one near the top 100 players overall, so certainly while that player will be a GM, there are a powerful lot more of those than formerly.

diagonal: The <Notable Games> (and corresponding cg. features) of Tal, Korchnoi and all other players who were concerned, are back and fixed properly. <Good news, and many thanks!>

Grandmaster Zenon Franco Ocampos on legendary Mikhail Tal:

(with various pictures from the Dutch Anefo archive, Tal played five times in the traditional Wijk aan Zee Hoogovens series, and won it in 1973; main focus of the article is on Tal's last tournament in classical chess at Barcelona 1992, that year, the city was hosting the Summer Olympic games).

Nov-09-19cunctatorg: After World War II the mankind made really great, courageous and -above all- honest efforts for recovery and survival..

Misha Tal was one of The God's gifts to the mankind for that..

Nov-09-19gars: Will ever be a chess player as loved as Tal was and still is?
Nov-09-19fabelhaft: Maybe Keres is the one to come closest?!
MissScarlett: How about Jana Malypetrova Hartston Miles Bellin?
Nov-09-19cunctatorg: @ <MissScarlett>:

I am afraid that your -clever indeed- observation is way out of context, though Misha Tal would smile perhaps, reading that darkest piece of humor..

Mar-17-20asiduodiego: Ok, I'll say this.

In my opinion, Tal is the Anti-Bobby Fischer. Not in terms of style of chess, but in terms of attitude to the game.

I think that, for Bobby, chess was always about ego. I guess that was good for him, because, for a while, it made him undefeatable for some years in the early 70s, But then after winning the WC, he just decided to retire, rather to find someone who would inevitably defeat him in the end.

But for Tal, I think, Chess was not about ego, it was always about the game itself and his love for chess. For example, I love the anecdotes about Tal losing games against Rashid Nezhmetdinov, and he being delighted, because the game they played was beatiful. For Tal, in some way, the result wasn't always the most important thing (but yes, let's not lose sight here: chess is a competitive game, and tal was always playing to win), but for him. I guess it was always something more than just that: it was about beauty and love of the game itself.

So, in my opinion, Tal was a better WC than Bobby, because he kept on playing and he really loved the game. For Bobby, it was just an ego trip. And when that thing ended, he went insane. Tal kept on playing till near his death, because, for him, chess was something beautiful, worthy of a lifetime of learning.

Sally Simpson: ***

Tal was born to play chess, I'd not put Fischer in a pigeon hole. It was not all about ego, there were a lot more complex things going on.

At one time he loved chess probably just as much as Tal, remember some of his most famous quotes.

'All I want to do, ever, is just play chess.'

'You can only get good at chess if you love the game.'

Sadly he fell out of love for the game.


Mar-17-20Petrosianic: <Sally Simpson>: <Sadly he fell out of love for the game.>

<Because> he couldn't be the best at it forever. Nobody can. But people like Tal, Smyslov, and others could go on playing forever knowing that they'd never again be the very best, just for the sake of the game.

Another way Tal was an anti-Fischer was in his study habits. Fischer was one of the hardest workers in the game off the board, while Tal would rather play chess than study it. Of course, the flip side is that that's another reason Tal was ABLE to go on forever, and Fischer burned out before he was 30.

Mar-17-20Granny O Doul: Whatever one thinks of Fischer as a chess player, I think few would argue he was a great World Champion.
MissScarlett: <Whatever one thinks of Fischer as a chess player, I think few would argue he was a great World Champion.>

Better to say he was a world champion who was great.

Mar-17-20asiduodiego: <Petrosianic> Perhaps I exaggerated a little, but I think it was a great difference of characters and attitude to the game between these two guys. I think one issue was that Fischer was very, VERY averse to losing games. I mean, I understand: we all hate losing, but it's part of the game. I think that attitude was something that really affected him, and in his decision of quitting chess. I can't imagine Bobby saying something as Tal said, describing his famous loss with Nezhmetdinov in 1961 as 'probably the best day of his life'.

Bobby, I admit, sometimes took the cavalier route after losing, for example, in 1992, after losing a game to Spassky, I recall he said something like: 'Sometimes in chess you give lessons, sometimes you receive a lesson'. But, he really, REALLY hated losing, and I think that contributed to his retirement, because, as you said, the only way to keep on being SO good was with a complete immersion method which burned him out.

keypusher: < MissScarlett: <Whatever one thinks of Fischer as a chess player, I think few would argue he was a great World Champion.>Better to say he was a world champion who was great.>

Correct. C'mon, Granny. You can't be even a minimally adequate World Champion, never mind a great one, if you never play.

wordfunph: Milan Dinic's game story taken from BCM 2019 December.

<This was in 1988 and he came to play in Wijk aan Zee. Mikhail Tal wasn’t in great shape then. For many people - including myself - he was a hero and it was fantastic to meet him. Tal was a very gentle person and he talked to everyone. He even played a blitz tournament for amateurs on a free day, because he was bored! Of course, he won every game in the Blitz, but everyone was so happy to see him there.

When he played in our tournament it was tough for him, you could see he was frail.

At that time there was a casino in Wijk aan Zee, owned by some Yugoslavs. Needless to say, all the chess players were hanging out there. That casino, however, had a rule that you can’t be served any alcohol no matter what. Even the top people of the Wijk aan Zee tournament organisation were not allowed to have even a sip of alcohol. One evening I walk in and see Tal - at the bar, smoking and drinking - gin and tonic! He was the only person ever to be served alcohol in that casino because the Yugoslavs, who love chess a lot, were very fond of having Tal there.>

May-23-201d410: I like this player
May-23-201d410: I love this player
Jun-12-20Chessonly: Mikhail Tal [Biography and Attacking Chess Games]
MissScarlett: Via Britbase, some 20 new Tal simul games from his famous (?) Knotty Ash simul from 1974:
Nov-10-20Eduhttp: Genius, inspiration even in our days!
Nov-24-20JCaRo: Nice match
Nov-24-20Everett: Wow, what short bio for such a legend.
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Game Of Chess Pigeons

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